Thursday, May 18, 2006

Things I Love Thursday

1. Skipping out on a faculty meeting and sitting in a quiet pod at 4:20 in the afternoon when I can really get some work done...
okay, so it is 4:20 right now and I had tutoring today on top of a regular school day...yes, I know, crazy. Anyway...everyone else went to a faculty meeting...ha, sneaky of me to plan tutoring on a faculty meeting day...ha! I figure my kids need the tutoring more than I need the lecturing....I mean the filling me with information until 5:00pm., here it is 4:20 and the pod is silent....and it is so nice.

2. Lindt: Lindor Truffles
Oh my gosh...if you have not had one then you need to rush out at this very minute and buy yourself not just one, but many of these things. I was at Jackson's General last weekend doing some Mother's Day shopping and they had these truffles that you could buy separately for .40 cents a piece. So, I proceeded to buy a white chocolate one and a peanut butter one (Sarai I thought of you with this one and you would LOVE it!). They are soooo good! So, when I was at WalMart on Monday I found them in bags...only they did not sell the peanut butter I settled for the next best...white chocolate. They are so good.

3. Babysitting Kalei Cody
Allie and I were given the absolute pleasure of babysitting Kalei Cody on Wednesday. Allie was just like a wonderful little helper as I was having to do many things for Kalei. Allie has proven that she would be a great big sister.....ha. Kevin did not think that was too funny...but I thought that it was. Anyway..she is the cutest little one year old! We had loads of fun. What made it even more awesome was the fact that Kalei wanted to be with me all the time. She loved for me to hold her and sit with her...which was fine by me. Allie enjoyed it all too. We had such a great time. I was suppose to get to keep her again this evening, but the plans changed and her dad was able to pick her up and watch her. Shucks. Instead, I get to stay at work a little later and work. Yippee...NOT!

4. The 20 minutes of sheer joy I get in the tanning bed.
Okay, admit it. If you go to the tanning bed you know, as well as I do, that this is the 20 minutes each day or every other day where no one can bother one can be in your face tattling on someone one can be begging and pleading for something you have said "no" to one can take that time away from you. It is the most relaxing 20 minutes I get each time I am able to go to the tanning bed....I always leave there with a new sensation and ready to start all over revives me! Ha.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wacky Wednesday Tag

Okay is another Wednesday Tag that I hope will get you all motivated to start blogging again...I miss seeing and hearing from everyone!

1. YOUR FULL NAME: Sabrina Jolene Rich Trantham




5. THE WORST ADVICE YOU EVER GOT: Hmm...I am not sure I have ever been given any "bad" advice. I always try to take any advice and do the best I can with it. Make the best of it all.

6. ONE THING YOU SWORE YOU WOULD NEVER DO: Hurt those that I love..on purpose.




10. SOMETHING YOU WISH YOU COULD DO: Forget about things that have hurt me so that those thoughts are not constantly lingering on my mind; not hold a grudge

11. SOMETHING YOU SAY TOO OFTEN: "Shut up, no way!" - not in a mean way but a surprising 'oh my gosh' way.

12. SOMETHING YOUR CHILDREN WILL LOVE YOU FOR WHEN THEY ARE GROWN: my ability to listen and be patient, my ability to NOT judge them or the things that they do, just the fact that I will always love unconditionally.

13. YOUR BIRTHDAY: December 28, 1976

14. YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE: Bachelor in Education, Master in Education

15. BEST REASON FOR DOING THIS QUESTIONNAIRE: It was a really good reason NOT to grade papers, record grades, look at plans for tomorrow, look at plans for next week...things I really should be doing! Ha!

Okay fellow bloggers...your turn! I tag you all....Lori, Maleah, Kim, Brooke, Sarai...have fun!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tell All Tuesday

#1 Something to Tell...
I am so blessed to be a mother. I had a wonderful Mother's Day this past weekend. I have a daughter that loves me so very much. When I picked her up from the sitter on Friday, she handed me a great big flower and a card and of course wished me a "Happy Valentine's Day". She was confused all weekend. She knew that the day had to do with me, but she just could not grasp on to the concept of it being called "Mother's Day". Bless her heart. She went back and forth all weekend. She would say Happy Mothers's Day and then she would switch over and tell me Happy Valentine's Day. She is a keeper. She and her daddy got me 2 really pretty cards that I cherish as well.
At church on Sunday, she made me another pretty card and then gave me another flower. So sweet. Last night (Monday) she was working on a "project" that I could not see because she said that it was for Mother's Day (okay, NOW she gets the day right...ha). I told her that Mother's Day was gone for another year and she proceeded to try and prove me wrong. So, I thought that if she wanted to let every day be Mother's Day then hey, I would not argue. Ha. Anyway, a little while later she brings me a sheet of paper. On one side of this sheet of paper she has traced her left hand and under the hand she wrote her name. On the other side of the paper she had drawn me a beautiful rainbow. She handed it to me with such pride. I love that little girl and I am so proud to be her mother!

#2 Something to Tell...
I am a big fan of the show Grey's Anatomy. Last night was the two hour season finale and I was so sad when the show went off last night. Anyone else a big fan? I love that show and the way that it ended last night left me very sad. I was most hopeful for Izzy and Denny. I would have never thought that he would die near the end of the show. AAAHHHH!!!! Poor Izzy. I was proud when Alex stepped up and comforted Izzy. I see them being an item next season.
On the other end of the spectrum, I was happy when Meredith and McDreamy finally talked....I just really dislike how they left us hanging again. They left us hanging at the end of season one with Meredith and McDreamy..did they not? I think that the whole show kind of revolves around that couple and they have to keep us hanging on to see what is going to happen next. I really would like to see Meredith and McDreamy back together.
So sad season 2 is over...

#3 Something to Tell...
As much as I love my 5th graders...I am so ready to be out of school. A good friend of mine is actually starting EOG tests today and they will be finished completely (teachers and students) on June 1st. My mom is on the downstretch as well...her last day with students is Friday. Yay for you all that are getting ready to start your summer break. We still have about three weeks to hang in there. I love the group of kids that I have this year, I am just ready to get in to the summer that I have not had in many with lots of fun and relaxation! WooHoo! Even though I am not a big fan of summer time (would much rather live where it is cold year round) I am looking forward to this summer just because it is my vacation time. I plan on having lots of fun. Allie is very excited.

Mad Music Monday on Tuesday

The song that I would like to speak about today is one that we all is an all time favorite for many...and many automatically think of the movie Beaches when they hear this song..."Wing Beneath My Wings".
I have loved this song ever since it became a hit. I just love Bette Midler.
This song has a strong significance to me because it makes me think of my mother each time I hear it. I was given the honor of being able to spend a big majority of Mother's Day in the presence of my mother...of whom I so dearly love. My mother is a pretty amazing lady that I take a lot of pride in talking about. She has always loved me along with my three siblings unconditionally. She has given, given, given, and never expected to receive anything in return. She (along with my dad) raised 4 children to be honorable and respectful and to know right from wrong. Granted, we all make mistakes and we have to learn on our own..for the most part, we have taken all that we learned and put it in to play.
My mother gave up going to school and pursueing her very own career until all four of us were in school. As soon as my little brother started to school she enrolled into college to pursue a degree in education. Today, my mother holds 3 different degrees that she worked extrememly hard for. She has her Specialist Degree in Education. My mother is a very smart lady and a hard worker at that. She is just an amazing person all around.
Anyway, I would like to dedicate this song to my mom because she is a hero in my life. I look up to her and I am proud to call her mom.

Wind Beneath My Wings
Did you ever know that you're my hero,
and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
for you are the wind beneath my wings.
It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it.
I would be nothing without you.
Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
for you are the wind beneath my wings.
Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be.
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle,
for you are the wind beneath my wings,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

An Even Wackier Wednesday Night...

Okay, I am a big time American Idol Fan! I love watching it and I have been addicted since Season Two.
I have LOVED Taylor since he auditioned. When he sings, it sends chills down my spine....even if it is not his best performance...I know that he is awesome. I want to go to the Idol tour this year basically so I can see/hear him up close. I LOVE to hear him sing...he is great. I am definitely rooting for Taylor and hope that he is our next idol!
OKay, on another hand...I can NOT believe that Chris has gone home. OMG! What happened? I like all four of the contestants that were left before tonight...and I knew that no matter who went home it would be sad....but who would have thought it was Chris. Everyone that I talk to thinks that (or thought) that Chris and Taylor would be our bottom 2...oops...guess that we were all wrong.
Wow. What happened on this wacky Wednesday to send Chris home? Did everyone think that everyone else was voting for him...or am I just hanging out with a lot of people that like Chris? Wow. My mouth so had to be picked up off of the floor when they said that he was going home...then I danced a jig...a big jig for Taylor still being a contestant! I must say that he ranks up there with Clay...and I totally loved Clay too!
Okay, well, there is my Idol Scoop for tonight...
Ta Ta Ladies and Gents!

Wacky Wednesday...

Today was definitely a Wacky Wednesday! My children are so very wild and talkative this week...and it is driving me bonkers! I WANT my children to listent to me...I WANT them to stop talking....I WANT them to be respectful...
I WANT a lot of I think that what I am going to do for this WACKY Wednesday is make it a WACKY WANTING WEDNESDAY...and see just what the web thinks that Sabrina wants...I will google "Sabrina Wants..." and see what we get that is true or not so true...

1. Sabrina wants to change her life:
Well, there are many things about my life that I would like to change. I am in the process of making many of these changes. I don't want any drastic changes b/c I like who I am and what I am...but there are parts of my life that I am working hard at to make a change.

2. Sabrina wants to find out how to get information across to people in lots of different ways:
Well, yes, you are oh so right. There are many days that as a teacher I have to try and get information across in many different ways because all my kids are so different. Then there are days that I am just not so sure how to go about getting the information across in different ways...always looking for advice and suggestions!

3. Sabrina wants things to stay the way they've always been:
Well, actually, no she does not. If things were the way that they had always been then the last three months of her life would re-occur and then she would just have to totally go insanc!

4. Sabrina wants to break up the wedding in order to finally catch the man of her dreams:
Ha. This makes me laugh. I am sure that once upon a time I would have done this thinking that it may have gotten me the man of my dreams...but think about could someone that is getting married truly be the man of your dreams...he is with another woman! AH! Get real.

5. Sabrina wants things to go her own way.
Ha. ISN'T THAT THE TRUTH! Those of you that know me well know that I would love for things to always go the way that I want them to...ha. Okay, but the way that I usually want things is the way that would benefit everyone and not just me in a selfish way.
Okay, but, if we are talking about my kids and the week that we have had...well, yes, I do want things to go my way and dang it whether they like it or not, things are going to go my way!

6. Sabrina wants to join the snobby cheerleading squad:
Ha! This is soooo funny because I have never been on a cheerleading squad. I have never wanted to be on a snobby cheerleading squad either. That is funny. I always liked playing the sports...softball, basketball, etc. I have never had much of a desire to be part of the cheerleading squad.

7. Sabrina wants to receive a master’s degree in education and attend medical school where she will pursue her interest in pediatrics.
HA! NOW THIS IS THE TRUTH! I actually had to go to the website that this was on to make sure that they really were not talking about me. Ha. I did just receive my Master's in Education...and I would love to attend medical school where I would pursue my interest in pediatrics. If I had the money and time, I would love to go back to medical school and become a kid's doctor.

8. Sabrina wants to join the Science club:
HA! Lori if you are reading this right now, how funny is this!!!!!!! As much as I LOVE science...yeah right...I would never be interested in joining a science club! This is great! They SSSSOOOOO were not talking about me!!!!!

9. Snazzy Sabrina wants to be a choreographer:
I like the new name! I think it will have to stick. Ha. Okay, so I am a dancer..sort of. If you count the fact that I love to clog...and I love to choreograph clogging routines...then I guess Snazzy Sabrina does want to be a choreographer! How cool! Oh, and if you count the dancing that Allie and I do in the living room and kitchen at home...we are definitely our own choreographers to those dances! Ha! Lots of fun.

10. Sabrina wants to prove that things are different now.
Okay, I am trying to prove to myself that things are different now. As I said before, I am trying to make changes to certain aspects of my life...and that results in proving that things are different. When something so drastic occurs in your life, you have no choice but to face the facts that things are different and they will never be the same again...if only some people knew that before they took such drastic steps in life...If only...

Okay, so this was very interesting...and it is funny how it went from things that I could totally relate things that are nothing like me! It is great...try googling what you "really" want and see just how close they really are!

Tuesday/Wednesday Brain Teaser

To see the answer for Monday's Brain Teaser, go back to Monday's Question:

300 = S for a PG in B

50 = S on the USF
50 Stars on the United States Flag

Tell All Tuesday on Wednesday

Okay, I must tell all that I am officially graduated! I officially have a Master's Degree in Elementary Education! Yippee! I am so very glad to be done. I truly appreciate all those that came out to support me (BIG shout out to Kevin, Lori, Brian, Maleah...Love you all!) on my big day. I know that it was hot, crowded, long, and exhausting to sit through...since it was the biggest graduating class WCU has seen yet! It means a lot to me that you were thinking of me enough to come out on this day for me.
I am so very glad that it is over! Over, I say, over! No more classes, no more papers, no more stressing over grades, no more going to class when I would rather be elsewhere...over!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Monday Brain Teaser

Okay, I am going to try something...I am going to post a brain teaser each day for all of you bloggers to guess at...I will give the answer the next day. I think this will help me to be consistent on my daily postings as well! I have started giving these to my students each day as their "Question of the Day"...they love it! Absolutely love it. Okay, so, here we go. This is one that I gave to my kids last week.

What is as light as a feather, with nothing in it; the strongest man can't hold it for more than a minute?

Good Luck!

Answer: Breath!!!

Music Monday

Okay, so the song that I am posting about today is one that I just can not get out of my head. I have loved this song ever since it came out a while back...I am all about love songs..ballads...slow them. Don't get me wrong..I truly like the fast beat songs as well...but there is a different mood for the mood is slow song..
Can't get this out of my has been in my head all of yesterday and already most of today...

You and Me
by Lifehouse

What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
There's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of
you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
What day is it?And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mad Music Monday


As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, from whatever
We will still be, friends forever
So if we get the big jobs and we make the big money
When we look back now, will that joke still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels