Friday, June 23, 2006

Favorite Friend Friday

Favorite Friend for Friday: Allie Trantham

Let me just tell you a little bit about my favorite friend this week. She is awesome. She is special. She is precious. She is sweet. She is kind. She is funny. She is caring. She is smart. She is respectful. She is a great friend to me. She is also my wonderful daughter.

Allie is coming right up on being five years old. Yes, friends, my friend for this week is a four year old little girl....but she is not just any ordinary four year old. She is my most favorite four year old ever.

Allie has been away most of the week at my parent's house in Georgia. I took Allie down to their house on Monday afternoon so that she could attend Vacation Bible School with my mom and dad. Well, last year when she went to stay with them for VBS she came home on Wednesday because she was homesick. Well, I kept waiting and waiting on a call and never did get one. Finally my mom called me on Thursday while I was working and told me that she would be bringing her home on Friday morning as she went to Asheville for a dr appointment. I was so excited that I was going to get to see my Allie earlier than Friday evening at Commencement. I could hear Allie in the background but I could not talk with her or we just knew that would set her off to thinking about I quickly let my mom get off of the phone. Well, last night when I got home from our softball game, my phone rang and it was a call coming from my mom and dad's house...and it was about 10:30. Uh-oh...well, when I went to answer it I heard my mom's voice on the other end. Yay...but then she also went on to tell me that Allie was very tired and getting a bit homesick...but, Allie was bound and determined to stay. I would have gone after her right then and there but she wanted to wait and see me on Friday morning when mom was going to bring her. She was trying so hard to be a "big girl" and stay all week...and she has done it folks! Here it is Friday morning and she is coming home! I am so proud of her.
One of the things that my mom shared with me was so touched my heart deeply. On Tuesday night they were coming home from Bible School and Allie asked my mom, "Nana, do you have a picture of my mom at your house?". Mom replied, "Yes, I have lots of pictures of your mommy at my house. We will find you one when we get home." Allie replied with, "Ok.". Then, mom said that a few minutes later Allie said, "Nana, I don't want a picture of my mommy...I want the real thing." Knowing my daughter..and knowing her expressions and the way she would look and sound when saying just melted my heart. She is so precious. I have missed her like crazy all week long and I just can not wait to wrap my arms around that tiny little girl when she gets here!
Allie is my wonderful little side-kick that I just love so much! She and I do so many fun things together. I am thankful and blessed to have her in my life.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Things I Love Thursday...

I LOVE to be organized.

I must start out saying that before getting in to the ranting and raving I am about to start up. School has been out for 2 weeks....2 weeks since we have last had children in our classroom. Most teachers at our school have been finished just as long as the students...and I want all of you to know that I am still not finished wrapping up the year. I have taken on bigger projects than I anticipated. It all has to do with being organized...I really scare myself sometimes with how organized I want things to some point I think I just need to let it go....but at the same time I want it all to be perfectly organized when school starts back in August...AAHH!!

I LOVE to be organized.

Wacky Wednesday Tag on Thursday Morning

Alright blogging we go again with another fabulous "I want to get to know you better" blogging tag. Wow..that was a mouth full!
Okay, here we go!

1. First Name: Sabrina
2. Were you named after anyone? No, I was not named after anyone.
3. Do you wish on stars? Shooting stars, yes. Still ones, no.
4. When did you last cry? Yesterday (Wednesday)
5. Do you like your handwriting? When I am able to take my time, yes. When I am rushed, no.
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? Smoked turkey sliced fresh in the deli.
7. When is your birthday? December 28th.
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? Alvin and the Chipmunks
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with YOU? Yes
10. Are you a daredevil? To some degree, yes.
11. Who is your favorite cartoon character? Care Bears
12. Do looks matter? For certain things, yes.
13. How do you release anger? Attempt to talk things out. Cry.
14. Where is your second home? Young Harris, Georgia
15. Do you trust others easily? Ha. Funny this question has asked...once upon a time I did, but since February of this year...absolutely NOT! Which is really sad...but we won't go there.
16. What was your favorite toy as a child? My Cabbage Patch Kids
17. What class in high school do you think was totally useless? French 1 and 2
18. Do you have a journal? Yes, I have quite a few.
19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I use it, but not a lot and when I do, I use it in a funny way-not a mean way.
20. What are your nicknames? Bina, Brina
21. Would you bungee jump? YES!!!!!! One scary thing about this is that about one week before I found out that I was pregnant with Allie I was working at a Christmas shop in Cherokee and just down the road from this store they were doing some bungee jumping. Well, a few of us had decided that we were going to go and bungee jump after work one day. Well, when we got off of work they had shut it down early due to rain or something like that...thank goodness for that! Who knows what bungee jumping would do to a pregnant woman! Glad I did not have to find out!!!
22. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Yes.
23. Do you think that you are physically strong? Yes
24. Do you th ink that you are emotionally strong? I use to think so, but now I know that I am not.
25. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Birthday Cake and Moose Tracks
26. Shoe Size? 8-8 1/2
27. Red or Pink? Pink
28. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? Insecurities
29. Who do you miss most? Well, at the moment I really miss my daughter Allie. I have not seen her since Monday...and it is Thursday! She has gone to stay with my mom and dad this week to attend Vacation Bible School. Secondly, I miss some of my best friends that live all the way in Pennsylvania...the Councills. Lastly, I miss all my friends from high school.
30. What are you listening to right now? Home made CD: Song that is playing is Everyone is free to wear sunscreen
31. Favorite sport? softball
32. Last movie you watched... Cars!
33. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy Endings
34. Summer or Winter? Winter
35. Hugs or Kisses? Both
36. What did you watch last night on TV? So you think you can dance, part of big brother, CSI
37. Favorite Smells: Baby scent, clean linen, fresh laundry
38. Favorite Flower: Tulips of many colors
39. Rolling Stones or Beatles: Rolling Stones
40. What's the furthest you've been from home? I'm sure everyone beats me on this one...the furthest I have been is Pensacola, Florida.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Where is everyone?

Wow...3 posts in one day...pretty good, ay?
Well, I just wanted to say that I totally miss everyone on their blogs! I know that it is summer and most of you have lives other than sitting around blogging all the time...but I do miss hearing from you all and seeing you on your blog spot. I know that I have not been blogging a lot lately either...and I am really going to try and do better. I must admit that I have been myspacing it a lot lately and getting that all set up...which is loads of fun! I have actually been able to get in touch with some people that I have not heard from in a very long time. It's great! Check it out...
Have a wonderful Tuesday!!!

Top Ten Tuesday

Okay, I'm back with, yet, another top ten! Join me if you'd like...

Top Ten Places I Would Like To Visit/See Before Going Home...
10. Niagera Falls-Canada
9. The Grand Canyon-Arizona
8. Seattle, Washington
7. Times Square
6. Las Vegas, Nevada
5. Cedar Point Amusement Park
4. Sturgis
3. Disneyworld
2. Aspen, Colorado
1. The Precious Moments Inspiration Park-Carthage, Missouri


The song that I am posting for Music Monday is a song that I was introduced to by our Awesome band at church. I had heard them sing this once before...and fell in love with it then. Well, then last Sunday I heard them sing it again in church. I immediately got this song for myself to have so that I could listen to it over and over and over again! Wonderful song!

Chris Tomlin
The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice
He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide A
nd trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice
How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end
The Godhead Three in
One Father, Spirit and Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb
How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
Name above all names
Worthy of all praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God

Monday, June 12, 2006

Music Monday

It has been a while since I have posted for Music Monday! I am hoping that this week is off to a good start with blogging since I am able to actually do it first thing! Yay!
The song that I am posting about today has been a long time favorite of mine because the lyrics of this song make such good sense! I loved this song the first time that I heard it...
Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen
Wear sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future,
sunscreen would be it.
The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proven by scientists,
whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.
I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth.
Oh, never mind.
You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me, in 20 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.
You are not as fat as you imagine.

Don't worry about the future.
Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.
The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you at 4 p.m. on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing every day that scares you.


Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don't waste your time on jealousy.
Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind.
The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.

Remember compliments you receive.
Forget the insults.
If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life.
The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives.
Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don't.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees.
You'll miss them when they're gone.

Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't.
Maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't.
Maybe you'll divorce at 40,
maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either.
Your choices are half chance.
So are everybody else's.

Enjoy your body.
Use it every way you can.
Don't be afraid of it or of what other people think of it.
It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.

Even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room.

Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

Do not read beauty magazines. They will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents.
You never know when they'll be gone for good.
Be nice to your siblings.
They're your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on.
Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard.
Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.

Accept certain inalienable truths:
Prices will rise.
Politicians will philander.
You, too, will get old.
And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.
Respect your elders.

Don't expect anyone else to support you.
Maybe you have a trust fund.
Maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse.
But you never know when either one might run out.

Don't mess too much with your hair or by the time you're 40 it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it.
Advice is a form of nostalgia.
Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen.
If you have not ever heard this "song/speech", you should definitely listen to it sometime. All of the words that were written for this speech/song are oh so really makes you think!
Have a great Monday!

Monday, June 05, 2006


Okay, I know that normally Tuesday's are reserved for "Tell All Tuesday" and I absolutely LOVE reading what all of you write for your tell all...but the thing is..I don't really have a lot to tell that is very I always struggle with what to write. Well, I was driving down the road tonight thinking about what I was going to do this summer (since school is almost out) and I thought...hmm...what are the top ten things that I want to do...and then I thought, "wow, that would be a good blog". Then it hit me that I should do a top ten for tomorrow's blog...well, it just so happen that it fell in quite well with the day of the week...Tuesday! This idea then led me to think that every Tuesday could be a top ten of some type! I can always list a top ten of something! If there is anything interesting that I want to share on Tuesdays, I will continue to "Tell All", but folks, let's face it...I don't have very much to tell! Sorry!
My top ten theme for this week goes along with my alone time, driving down the road thinking...

10. Watch lots of movies.
9. Read lots of books (I REALLY want to read the last two Nicholas Sparks books that I have not even started! I also want to start reading the Harry Potter series.)
8. Catch up with some old friends from high school and hang out.
7. Blog!
6. Make a trip to Pennsylvania
5. Celebrate every chance I get that I am not in school this summer!!!
4. Get back into a good workout routine.
3. Hang out with my friends and do lots of fun things.
2. Go to the pool, the park, and many other fun places with Allie.
1. Get some much needed rest and relaxation and not feel bad about it!

Lori's Neat-O Tag!

Cool Tag Lo!
I am taking on the challenge of Lo's cool hopes that this gets me back on my feet with blogging. Things have just been so crazy and hectic and busy and overwhelming and stressful and...and...and...excuses, excuses.
Okay, here it goes...

I am...a friend, a mommy, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a teacher, a recent grad (still proud of that!), a turbo coffee lover, a chocolate lover

I want...more time to prepare for "end of the school year stuff", more time with my daughter, more time with my friends, things to be the way they once were..., to be on the game show Deal or No Deal, more hours in the day.

I wish...Allie would stop growing up so fast, that there was no such thing as a broken heart, that I could see more of my friends, that I could see more of my mom and dad, that people we love dearly would not take take it for granted, that I could be a better friend and co-worker, that I had spent lots more time with the Councills when they lived in Sylva!, I knew what to say or do to make things right, that I could forgive AND forget.

I hate...being lied to, seeing people sad, seeing people angry, seeing people hurt, feeling sad, feeling angry, feeling hurt, bad memories that linger no matter what you do, not getting to see friends, not getting to spend time with friends, the inability to trust.

I miss...the days when Allie was a baby (I love the days I have with her now..but I also miss a lot about her being a baby), being a good friend, my friends that I have lost contact with, my friends that do not live close by, going shopping with Lo at Old Navy!, the days I could trust and not think twice about it.

I hear...everything that is said to me even if it seems I am not listening, things that I don't want to hear all too often

I wonder...why it had to happen, if I will ever get over and past it, how my kids did on their EOG tests, what my first adventure will be with Allie this summer, why we hurt those that we love the most, why I can't stick to my diet lately, why do I have to ride the bus on a Friday afternoon with bunches of kids..., if I am going to get everything done this week that I want to get done before my kids get out of school.

I regret...any time I have lost with Allie, taking out student loans during undergrad and graduate school, any time that I have lost with my friends, any time that I have lost with my family, any time that I have ever hurt anyone that I love, cutting my hair.

I am not...looking forward to riding the bus on Friday afternoon, the person I use to be, able to forget things I would like to forget, glad that school will soon be out because I will miss this group of kids, as strong as I once thought I was.

I dance...with Allie quite often to cute and fun songs, when I want it to snow

I myself, at church, in my car, terribly =}, along with Allie

I cry...when I am sad, when I am angry, when I am hurt, when I am happy, when I lose someone I love, when I get my feelings hurt, when Allie is sad or hurt, when I think of losing the group of kids that I have had for the last 175 days, when I look back at pictures from the past, when sad and painful memories come back to me, when I think about how things should have been, a lot more than I once did

I am not always...the friend to many that I should be, as patient as I should be, as sad as I may sound in some of these responses, as helpful as I should be, as tired as I have been recently, as organized as I want to be.

I make with my hands...dinner for my family, gestures that help me to get my point across, lots of arts and crafts with Allie.

I write...lots of things but I wish that I had more time to write more, what I think and what I feel much better than speaking it!

I confuse...everyone!

I need...a massage (ha), to make a trip to Commerce shopping, friends, family, to be loved, to lose weight, to slow down and take more time for myself, to get back in a regular workout routine, to go to the beach for about a week and just relax, at least 2 large turbo coffees a day (ha), more time with Allie, time alone, time with friends, to know the entire story, the truth, to be stronger, to know "why", to get over it!

I cleaning my house, be taking a nap, be at school working on stuff for the end of the year, save more money, back off from caffeine, exercise more, take some time away and rest, relax and clear my head, reconsider doing National Boards next year, thank God more often for the blessings he has given to me.

I start...lots of projects that may or may not get finished, my summer vacation on June 16th, crying too easily, laughing at times I probably should not, acting goofy when I am tired, thinking about it at least once a day, being the mom of a kindergartener in the fall!

I finish...good books very quickly, a great cup of coffee!

I'm glad...for all of the true, dear, beautiful friends that God has blessed me with, for the beautiful daughter God has blessed me with, I teach 5th grade with Lori, I am finished with my Master's degree, we get to look forward to/spend each Easter with our Cool Councill friends, I was able to go to Kindergarten orientation with Allie today, that Allie is excited about going to school, Allie gets to go to Kindergarten at my school!

I live...each day to its fullest (well, I try to).

I pray...for family, friends, peace, good health, joy, happiness...., with Allie each night before bed, for strength to get through tough times (especially times you are just not sure what you are going to do to get through), for courage to stand up for what is right, for courage to stand up for what I believe, for courage to always do what I say I am going to do no matter what.

I seek...peace, an answer to "why"

I would than sing, read than write, teach school than go to school, make money than lose money, forgive than hold a grudge (sometimes that is hard), laugh than cry, be happy than sad, live somewhere cold than hot, forget about the past few months than have to be reminded of them every day.

I prefer...happy kids, laughing kids, respectful kids, cold weather, hot coffee, long weekends, the truth - no matter what it may be - I always prefer to be told the truth, to not be played the fool, for someone to tell me how it is up front and not beat around the bush.

I know...I have many true and dear friends, my daughter looks up to me, that one day I will get my National Boards, that I am going to have a wonderful summer with my daughter, that I have to make my own decisions, that God is watching out for me, that karma is 'oh so true', that one day I will look back on this period in my life and realize what I learned from it (I hope) and make the best of it.

I must have...ORGANIZATION, coffee first thing in the morning, family and friends, good books, lists to go by daily, a plan at all times, specifics, inherited an obsessive compulsive/anal gene from somewhere, a clean house, a clean classroom, music to exercise, units, the truth...the whole story...the answer to "why".

I hope...that Allie enjoys school, to always be a good mommy to Allie, to be a good role model, that Allie always knows right from wrong, that I can handle all that I will encounter over the next many years of Allie going to school, that this summer goes by slowly, that all my friends and family know that I love them and cherish every moment I am ever given with them, that one day I will know why it happened, that one day I can find a way to move past the harsh, cold, hurt feelings that are dwelling in my heart, that one day I can forgive and move on.

Wow...I did not think that I would ever make it to the end! Wow...again. I started on this last Thursday and here it is Monday.
Thanks for the tag Lo!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Things I Love Thursday

1. Skipping out on a faculty meeting and sitting in a quiet pod at 4:20 in the afternoon when I can really get some work done...
okay, so it is 4:20 right now and I had tutoring today on top of a regular school day...yes, I know, crazy. Anyway...everyone else went to a faculty meeting...ha, sneaky of me to plan tutoring on a faculty meeting day...ha! I figure my kids need the tutoring more than I need the lecturing....I mean the filling me with information until 5:00pm., here it is 4:20 and the pod is silent....and it is so nice.

2. Lindt: Lindor Truffles
Oh my gosh...if you have not had one then you need to rush out at this very minute and buy yourself not just one, but many of these things. I was at Jackson's General last weekend doing some Mother's Day shopping and they had these truffles that you could buy separately for .40 cents a piece. So, I proceeded to buy a white chocolate one and a peanut butter one (Sarai I thought of you with this one and you would LOVE it!). They are soooo good! So, when I was at WalMart on Monday I found them in bags...only they did not sell the peanut butter I settled for the next best...white chocolate. They are so good.

3. Babysitting Kalei Cody
Allie and I were given the absolute pleasure of babysitting Kalei Cody on Wednesday. Allie was just like a wonderful little helper as I was having to do many things for Kalei. Allie has proven that she would be a great big sister.....ha. Kevin did not think that was too funny...but I thought that it was. Anyway..she is the cutest little one year old! We had loads of fun. What made it even more awesome was the fact that Kalei wanted to be with me all the time. She loved for me to hold her and sit with her...which was fine by me. Allie enjoyed it all too. We had such a great time. I was suppose to get to keep her again this evening, but the plans changed and her dad was able to pick her up and watch her. Shucks. Instead, I get to stay at work a little later and work. Yippee...NOT!

4. The 20 minutes of sheer joy I get in the tanning bed.
Okay, admit it. If you go to the tanning bed you know, as well as I do, that this is the 20 minutes each day or every other day where no one can bother one can be in your face tattling on someone one can be begging and pleading for something you have said "no" to one can take that time away from you. It is the most relaxing 20 minutes I get each time I am able to go to the tanning bed....I always leave there with a new sensation and ready to start all over revives me! Ha.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wacky Wednesday Tag

Okay is another Wednesday Tag that I hope will get you all motivated to start blogging again...I miss seeing and hearing from everyone!

1. YOUR FULL NAME: Sabrina Jolene Rich Trantham




5. THE WORST ADVICE YOU EVER GOT: Hmm...I am not sure I have ever been given any "bad" advice. I always try to take any advice and do the best I can with it. Make the best of it all.

6. ONE THING YOU SWORE YOU WOULD NEVER DO: Hurt those that I love..on purpose.




10. SOMETHING YOU WISH YOU COULD DO: Forget about things that have hurt me so that those thoughts are not constantly lingering on my mind; not hold a grudge

11. SOMETHING YOU SAY TOO OFTEN: "Shut up, no way!" - not in a mean way but a surprising 'oh my gosh' way.

12. SOMETHING YOUR CHILDREN WILL LOVE YOU FOR WHEN THEY ARE GROWN: my ability to listen and be patient, my ability to NOT judge them or the things that they do, just the fact that I will always love unconditionally.

13. YOUR BIRTHDAY: December 28, 1976

14. YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE: Bachelor in Education, Master in Education

15. BEST REASON FOR DOING THIS QUESTIONNAIRE: It was a really good reason NOT to grade papers, record grades, look at plans for tomorrow, look at plans for next week...things I really should be doing! Ha!

Okay fellow bloggers...your turn! I tag you all....Lori, Maleah, Kim, Brooke, Sarai...have fun!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tell All Tuesday

#1 Something to Tell...
I am so blessed to be a mother. I had a wonderful Mother's Day this past weekend. I have a daughter that loves me so very much. When I picked her up from the sitter on Friday, she handed me a great big flower and a card and of course wished me a "Happy Valentine's Day". She was confused all weekend. She knew that the day had to do with me, but she just could not grasp on to the concept of it being called "Mother's Day". Bless her heart. She went back and forth all weekend. She would say Happy Mothers's Day and then she would switch over and tell me Happy Valentine's Day. She is a keeper. She and her daddy got me 2 really pretty cards that I cherish as well.
At church on Sunday, she made me another pretty card and then gave me another flower. So sweet. Last night (Monday) she was working on a "project" that I could not see because she said that it was for Mother's Day (okay, NOW she gets the day right...ha). I told her that Mother's Day was gone for another year and she proceeded to try and prove me wrong. So, I thought that if she wanted to let every day be Mother's Day then hey, I would not argue. Ha. Anyway, a little while later she brings me a sheet of paper. On one side of this sheet of paper she has traced her left hand and under the hand she wrote her name. On the other side of the paper she had drawn me a beautiful rainbow. She handed it to me with such pride. I love that little girl and I am so proud to be her mother!

#2 Something to Tell...
I am a big fan of the show Grey's Anatomy. Last night was the two hour season finale and I was so sad when the show went off last night. Anyone else a big fan? I love that show and the way that it ended last night left me very sad. I was most hopeful for Izzy and Denny. I would have never thought that he would die near the end of the show. AAAHHHH!!!! Poor Izzy. I was proud when Alex stepped up and comforted Izzy. I see them being an item next season.
On the other end of the spectrum, I was happy when Meredith and McDreamy finally talked....I just really dislike how they left us hanging again. They left us hanging at the end of season one with Meredith and McDreamy..did they not? I think that the whole show kind of revolves around that couple and they have to keep us hanging on to see what is going to happen next. I really would like to see Meredith and McDreamy back together.
So sad season 2 is over...

#3 Something to Tell...
As much as I love my 5th graders...I am so ready to be out of school. A good friend of mine is actually starting EOG tests today and they will be finished completely (teachers and students) on June 1st. My mom is on the downstretch as well...her last day with students is Friday. Yay for you all that are getting ready to start your summer break. We still have about three weeks to hang in there. I love the group of kids that I have this year, I am just ready to get in to the summer that I have not had in many with lots of fun and relaxation! WooHoo! Even though I am not a big fan of summer time (would much rather live where it is cold year round) I am looking forward to this summer just because it is my vacation time. I plan on having lots of fun. Allie is very excited.

Mad Music Monday on Tuesday

The song that I would like to speak about today is one that we all is an all time favorite for many...and many automatically think of the movie Beaches when they hear this song..."Wing Beneath My Wings".
I have loved this song ever since it became a hit. I just love Bette Midler.
This song has a strong significance to me because it makes me think of my mother each time I hear it. I was given the honor of being able to spend a big majority of Mother's Day in the presence of my mother...of whom I so dearly love. My mother is a pretty amazing lady that I take a lot of pride in talking about. She has always loved me along with my three siblings unconditionally. She has given, given, given, and never expected to receive anything in return. She (along with my dad) raised 4 children to be honorable and respectful and to know right from wrong. Granted, we all make mistakes and we have to learn on our own..for the most part, we have taken all that we learned and put it in to play.
My mother gave up going to school and pursueing her very own career until all four of us were in school. As soon as my little brother started to school she enrolled into college to pursue a degree in education. Today, my mother holds 3 different degrees that she worked extrememly hard for. She has her Specialist Degree in Education. My mother is a very smart lady and a hard worker at that. She is just an amazing person all around.
Anyway, I would like to dedicate this song to my mom because she is a hero in my life. I look up to her and I am proud to call her mom.

Wind Beneath My Wings
Did you ever know that you're my hero,
and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
for you are the wind beneath my wings.
It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it.
I would be nothing without you.
Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
for you are the wind beneath my wings.
Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be.
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle,
for you are the wind beneath my wings,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

An Even Wackier Wednesday Night...

Okay, I am a big time American Idol Fan! I love watching it and I have been addicted since Season Two.
I have LOVED Taylor since he auditioned. When he sings, it sends chills down my spine....even if it is not his best performance...I know that he is awesome. I want to go to the Idol tour this year basically so I can see/hear him up close. I LOVE to hear him sing...he is great. I am definitely rooting for Taylor and hope that he is our next idol!
OKay, on another hand...I can NOT believe that Chris has gone home. OMG! What happened? I like all four of the contestants that were left before tonight...and I knew that no matter who went home it would be sad....but who would have thought it was Chris. Everyone that I talk to thinks that (or thought) that Chris and Taylor would be our bottom 2...oops...guess that we were all wrong.
Wow. What happened on this wacky Wednesday to send Chris home? Did everyone think that everyone else was voting for him...or am I just hanging out with a lot of people that like Chris? Wow. My mouth so had to be picked up off of the floor when they said that he was going home...then I danced a jig...a big jig for Taylor still being a contestant! I must say that he ranks up there with Clay...and I totally loved Clay too!
Okay, well, there is my Idol Scoop for tonight...
Ta Ta Ladies and Gents!

Wacky Wednesday...

Today was definitely a Wacky Wednesday! My children are so very wild and talkative this week...and it is driving me bonkers! I WANT my children to listent to me...I WANT them to stop talking....I WANT them to be respectful...
I WANT a lot of I think that what I am going to do for this WACKY Wednesday is make it a WACKY WANTING WEDNESDAY...and see just what the web thinks that Sabrina wants...I will google "Sabrina Wants..." and see what we get that is true or not so true...

1. Sabrina wants to change her life:
Well, there are many things about my life that I would like to change. I am in the process of making many of these changes. I don't want any drastic changes b/c I like who I am and what I am...but there are parts of my life that I am working hard at to make a change.

2. Sabrina wants to find out how to get information across to people in lots of different ways:
Well, yes, you are oh so right. There are many days that as a teacher I have to try and get information across in many different ways because all my kids are so different. Then there are days that I am just not so sure how to go about getting the information across in different ways...always looking for advice and suggestions!

3. Sabrina wants things to stay the way they've always been:
Well, actually, no she does not. If things were the way that they had always been then the last three months of her life would re-occur and then she would just have to totally go insanc!

4. Sabrina wants to break up the wedding in order to finally catch the man of her dreams:
Ha. This makes me laugh. I am sure that once upon a time I would have done this thinking that it may have gotten me the man of my dreams...but think about could someone that is getting married truly be the man of your dreams...he is with another woman! AH! Get real.

5. Sabrina wants things to go her own way.
Ha. ISN'T THAT THE TRUTH! Those of you that know me well know that I would love for things to always go the way that I want them to...ha. Okay, but the way that I usually want things is the way that would benefit everyone and not just me in a selfish way.
Okay, but, if we are talking about my kids and the week that we have had...well, yes, I do want things to go my way and dang it whether they like it or not, things are going to go my way!

6. Sabrina wants to join the snobby cheerleading squad:
Ha! This is soooo funny because I have never been on a cheerleading squad. I have never wanted to be on a snobby cheerleading squad either. That is funny. I always liked playing the sports...softball, basketball, etc. I have never had much of a desire to be part of the cheerleading squad.

7. Sabrina wants to receive a master’s degree in education and attend medical school where she will pursue her interest in pediatrics.
HA! NOW THIS IS THE TRUTH! I actually had to go to the website that this was on to make sure that they really were not talking about me. Ha. I did just receive my Master's in Education...and I would love to attend medical school where I would pursue my interest in pediatrics. If I had the money and time, I would love to go back to medical school and become a kid's doctor.

8. Sabrina wants to join the Science club:
HA! Lori if you are reading this right now, how funny is this!!!!!!! As much as I LOVE science...yeah right...I would never be interested in joining a science club! This is great! They SSSSOOOOO were not talking about me!!!!!

9. Snazzy Sabrina wants to be a choreographer:
I like the new name! I think it will have to stick. Ha. Okay, so I am a dancer..sort of. If you count the fact that I love to clog...and I love to choreograph clogging routines...then I guess Snazzy Sabrina does want to be a choreographer! How cool! Oh, and if you count the dancing that Allie and I do in the living room and kitchen at home...we are definitely our own choreographers to those dances! Ha! Lots of fun.

10. Sabrina wants to prove that things are different now.
Okay, I am trying to prove to myself that things are different now. As I said before, I am trying to make changes to certain aspects of my life...and that results in proving that things are different. When something so drastic occurs in your life, you have no choice but to face the facts that things are different and they will never be the same again...if only some people knew that before they took such drastic steps in life...If only...

Okay, so this was very interesting...and it is funny how it went from things that I could totally relate things that are nothing like me! It is great...try googling what you "really" want and see just how close they really are!

Tuesday/Wednesday Brain Teaser

To see the answer for Monday's Brain Teaser, go back to Monday's Question:

300 = S for a PG in B

50 = S on the USF
50 Stars on the United States Flag

Tell All Tuesday on Wednesday

Okay, I must tell all that I am officially graduated! I officially have a Master's Degree in Elementary Education! Yippee! I am so very glad to be done. I truly appreciate all those that came out to support me (BIG shout out to Kevin, Lori, Brian, Maleah...Love you all!) on my big day. I know that it was hot, crowded, long, and exhausting to sit through...since it was the biggest graduating class WCU has seen yet! It means a lot to me that you were thinking of me enough to come out on this day for me.
I am so very glad that it is over! Over, I say, over! No more classes, no more papers, no more stressing over grades, no more going to class when I would rather be elsewhere...over!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Monday Brain Teaser

Okay, I am going to try something...I am going to post a brain teaser each day for all of you bloggers to guess at...I will give the answer the next day. I think this will help me to be consistent on my daily postings as well! I have started giving these to my students each day as their "Question of the Day"...they love it! Absolutely love it. Okay, so, here we go. This is one that I gave to my kids last week.

What is as light as a feather, with nothing in it; the strongest man can't hold it for more than a minute?

Good Luck!

Answer: Breath!!!

Music Monday

Okay, so the song that I am posting about today is one that I just can not get out of my head. I have loved this song ever since it came out a while back...I am all about love songs..ballads...slow them. Don't get me wrong..I truly like the fast beat songs as well...but there is a different mood for the mood is slow song..
Can't get this out of my has been in my head all of yesterday and already most of today...

You and Me
by Lifehouse

What day is it? And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
All of the things that I want to say just aren't coming out right
I'm tripping on words
You've got my head spinning
I don't know where to go from here
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
There's something about you now
I can't quite figure out
Everything she does is beautiful
Everything she does is right
Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to lose
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of
you and me and all of the people with nothing to do
Nothing to prove
And it's you and me and all of the people
And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you
What day is it?And in what month?
This clock never seemed so alive

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mad Music Monday


As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, from whatever
We will still be, friends forever
So if we get the big jobs and we make the big money
When we look back now, will that joke still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels


Friday, April 21, 2006

Favorite Friend Friday

Favorite Friend for this Friday: My husband, Kevin

Kevin and I have been married for 3 years 8 months 18 days today. We have been together for 6 years 4 days today. He is a very good friend to me and I like being his wife! He is also a wonderful father to our daughter, Alexandria "Allie". Kevin is a respiratory therapist at Harris Regional Hospital. He is currently in Nursing school to become "Nurse Kevin". Ha. He will graduate next summer with his nursing degree.

Kevin and I have become very close over the years, but quite honestly I feel like I have come to know a new person over the last few weeks. This past week he has really gone above and beyond for me...and bless his heart...he has worked hard in the process. He can really be such a sweet heart. For example..on Tuesday he knew that I had a doctor's appointment and that I had to work on my final research project that day. He did all that he could to help me out on this day...saying and doing just the right thing.
He called me up after my appt and wanted to take me to I did. He then proceeded to go and do laundry while I went home and worked on my paper. When he came home that day he surprised me with a movie that I have grown to love and he knew that I would love to have it for my very own (Walk the Line). Then, that afternoon he just hung out and did his very best not to distract me while I was working on my paper...but at the same time he let me know that if I needed him for anything he was there. He is a sweetie. I have seen the absolute sweetest side to this friend of mine this week...and I love it. He has been so sweet and kind and helpful and loving and patient and awesome and many other wonderful things...I love this man!

He and I, like any other couple, have our ups and downs...but throughout the "downs" we have gotten to know one another better...and we have grown much closer. This past week he has really proven himself to be a wonderful friend and spouse. I have seen a whole new side to this wonderful man that I married and I like it...I guess that it has been more of a sensitive side.

He has been very supportive and helpful as I have been in graduate school and I have seen him become more supportive throughout my stressful right now as I am on the down stretch to the end...

Thanks Kevin for being a great friend to me. I love you!! 143!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Things I love Thursday

These are a few of the things that I love....
I love my sweet niece, Josey.
She is 11 months younger than Allie.

I love my Alexandria.
She is so darn cute. She and I had the best time last week on our Spring Break.

I love my Kevin.
We have been together for a little over 6 years now...married for almost four years.

I love taking Allie to Chuck E. Cheese.

It is a lot of fun...for both of us!

I love my friends!

Maleah and Lori went out of their way on this day to come to the park with Allie and me.

Maleah took a lot of her own time to play with Allie at the park...Allie adores her playmate Maleah.

Wacky Wednesday

Okay, so, the entry that I am going to post for Wacky Wednesday is not exactly "wacky" but it is different than our normal Wednesday entries...I just have to post it.

So, you see the picture up above? Well, that is the wonderful work of my daughter, Allie. She brings this to me one night this week as I am sleeping...She had gotten up out of bed and decided that she could not sleep so she was going to draw a picture. After she drew the picture she proceeded to come into my bedroom, wake me up and tell me that she created a "mommy and me" picture. I got up with her and checked this cool picture out. My heart just smiled. She proceeded to tell me which one was me (the one on the right) and which one was her (the one on the left). She then told me that I was her best friend. She is so darn cute! I love her artwork...all of the artwork that she creates is so cute and beautiful! I am a little partial...but what do you think? Is that not an adorable picture of "mommy and me"?

Tell All Tuesday

I am changing the perspective of "Tell All" on my end this week. Instead of me telling all about something related to me...I want anyone/everyone reading my blog to respond to what I am I am asking you to "Tell All" that you know or feel according to what I am asking...


I know that we are all only human and because of that we are all going to make mistakes from time to time. Many times the things that we say or due are not done to intentionally hurt those that we love, but sometimes we do things that we KNOW will hurt those that we love and we do it anyway.
Please don't get the wrong idea...I am not writing all of this because I have intentionally hurt someone I love..that is not it at all. I have just recently encountered friends or close loved ones that have either been the victim or the culprit to the action...and I just wonder...why? If the things that we do go against our beliefs and morals, why do we do it...especially if we know that it is going to hurt those that we love so dearly?

Monday, April 17, 2006

Mad Music Monday

Okay, so I know that Sarai's song for last Monday was "What Hurts the Most" by Rascal Flatts...but I just have to use it for this week too.
I have ABSOLUTELY loved that song since before it was released. I heard it on their web site before it was released in stores...and fell in love with the song.
When the song was finally released I went to the Wal-Mart web site to download it and was not only able to download it, but I was able to see the music video for it as well. I just cried at the video! I had actually taken the song totally different than what the video was showing...but either way it is sad! But, hey, what is it that Billy Ocean once said in his 80's song..."There'll be sad songs that make you cry...Love songs often do" there you have it!

What Hurts The Most by Rascal Flatts

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house,
That don't bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I'm not afraid to cry
Every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days
Every now and again I pretend I'm okay
But that's not what gets me
What hurts the most, was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
Never knowing, what could have been
And not seein that lovin you
Is what I was tryin to do
It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doin it
It's hard to force that smile
when I see our old friends and I'm alone
Still harder gettin up, gettin dressed, livin with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken
What hurts the most, is being so close
And having so much to say
And watchin you walk away
Never knowing, what could have been
And not seein that lovin you
Is what I was tryin to do
What hurts the most, was being so close
And having so much to say
And watchin you walk away
And never knowing, what could have been
And not seein that lovin you
Is what I was tryin to do

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Favorite Friend Friday

Favorite Friend: Brian Pesci

My favorite friend for this week is Brian Pesci. Brian and I became friends when he was an Intern for Lori about 2 years ago. When Brian graduated with his Elementary Education degree in December 2004, he immediately started back to school working on his graduate degree. He and I took classes together in Spring 2005 and Summer 2005. Brian is a very sweet, caring individual. He loves being a teacher...and he is a good one at that (was there ever any doubt since he had Lori as a host teacher!).
Brian and I became great friends as we were suffering together through some of our graduate classes. Brian, being the computer whiz that he is, helped me through the Multimedia class that I had to take last Spring. It was a tough class...but because of Brian being the generous friend that he is, I was given help often and he helped me through the class. There was a small group of us that would meet on Saturdays last Spring to work on the homework that we were assigned in this computer class...and Brian would always show up (sick and all) to help us with our assignment.
Brian and I share a passion in teaching kids each and every day. It is always nice when we can talk with one another about the ups and downs that we see going on within our own classroom. He is always there to listen and offen suggestions when he feels the time is right.
When Brian started teaching (his own classroom) this past fall, we kind of lost touch. But, just like good friends do, we picked up right where it seems that we left off and it is like we never lost touch.
I am so very thankful for the friend that I have in Brian. He has a warm, kind heart and a personality that everyone loves. He is the type of individual that will leave you with pains in your stomach and sides from laughing so much when he is around. He honestly made last Spring and Summer classes much more interesting and entertaining!
Thanks Brian for all that you do! I am honored and thankful to know you!

Things I Love Thursday...

1. That I am almost caught up on two weeks of blogging...please forgive me...I am going to do better!

2. Hallmark Stores - just recently went into the Hallmark store in Bryson have I not ever gone in there before!

3. My New Digital Camera!

4. Precious Moments Figurines- especially the one where the character is in a car and the license plate says "Heaven Bound"...I looked for so long to find this figurine and FINALLY found is stored away with all my other figurines until I get a house with a nice case to store them all in!

Wacky Wednesday TAG

Okay, here we go! Another fun TAG! I tag all of you reading to complete this on your blog! Have fun!

1. What time do you get up in the morning? through the week - 5:30

2. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
Joyce Meyer

3. Gold or silver? White Gold

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Health Inspector

5. Favorite TV game show? Deal or No Deal

6. What did you have for breakfast today? Cinnamon Roll

7. What would you hate to be left in a room with you? Serial Killer

8. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Um...NO!

9. What inspires you? Real life accounts, conversations with those close to me

10. What's your middle name? Jolene

11. Favourite flower? Carnation

12. If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to telephone people? hmm....I would let those close to me know immediately!

13. Fizzy or still water as a drink? Still Water

14. What colour is your bathroom? Blue

15. How many keys on your key ring? 5

16. Favourite day of the week? Saturday

17. What did you do for your last birthday? Hmm..not much of anything. It was right after Christmas and it was my last day house sitting for a good friend of mine.

18. Summer or winter? Winter all the way baby!

19. Favorite ice-cream. Moose Tracks

20. Buttered, plain or salted popcorn? Buttered

21. Favorite car? Four Runner

22. Favorite food? The kind I eat at Yoshidas!

23. What characteristics do you despise? DISHONESTY, BEING UNFAITHFUL, TWO-FACED, FAKE

24. Favourite country to spend your holidays? US of A

25. Beach, city or country? I would prefer to live in the city, vacation on the beach, and visit/retire/relax in the country

Tell All Tuesday

Once upon a time...I was a clogger...and I miss it like crazy.

I started clogging when I was very 6 years old. I was living in Metro Atlanta at the time and there were MANY different teams to choose from in the area. The team that I joined was wonderful. I stuck with that team until the time that I moved to the North Ga Mountains. We would perform in competitions (always placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place) and shows of all kind. It was such good exercise and it was soooo much fun. When I moved to the North Ga. Mountains, I did not have a team to join so I stopped clogging altogether. I always told myself that one day I would rejoin a team or have one of my own. Well, my first year of teaching I started a team at my school. It was soo much fun and I had many great students that could really get down! Well when I became a mother and a grad student, I did not have the time that I wanted and needed to dedicate to teaching kids how to clog. I wanted to continue clogging..I just did not want to be the instructor! Well, again, I moved to a town where there is no clogging team...and the nearest one that sounds like the kind of team that I would want to join is in Asheville. I think that once I finish up with my graduate degree *3 more weeks* then I will check in to joining the team and even get Allie into clogging too!

Mad Music Monday

I recently watched the movie "Walk the Line" and LOVED it.
I was hooked to the entire movie and would watch it again with the same attention to it. The music that was sang and played through the whole movie was wonderful. I look forward to getting the soundtrack to the movie. I understand that Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon were really singing the songs throughout the movie and in my opinon they did an excellent job. I grew up listening to many of the Johnny Cash songs because my parents liked him. I also grew to like his music because of the rhythm it always was/is wonderful clogging music!

Favorite Friend Friday

My favorite friend Friday is going to have to go out to more than one person because it consists of a family of 3: Reuben, Kim and Raechel Councill

I have been blessed with having this wonderful friendship with each member of the Councill family since the year 2000 when I first started teaching at Fairview Elementary. The way that I became so close with this family is through Lori. Lori was already really close with the Councill family and so when I came along and started teaching with Lori, we all started hanging out and having chick flick night on Tuesdays. It was so much fun. We would all hang out at Kim's every Tuesday night and watch a movie or sometimes we just hung out and talked. The more we all hung out the closer we became. I was only blessed with having these wonderful friends in the same town as me for a year because Kim was going back to school to get her Doctorate. The Councill's moved to Ohio, where Kim worked extremely hard to get her degree...Go Kim! When Kim graduated, she took a job in Pennsylvania...which is where they are still living. Each year on Easter weekend, the Councill's come to Sylva to visit. It is a visit that we all look soooo forward to. We are lucky that things have worked out the past few years for them to be able to come to Sylva and spend this wonderful holiday weekend with us.
Even though there are many miles between us, I still look upon the Councill's as some of the greatest friends that I have EVER had. I love and care for each one of them so much. I know that they are a God send for me and I love them and cherish their friendship-always.

Things I Love...

1. Spring Break

2. Visits with Friends that I have not seen in a long time (I have missed you terribly Kim, Reuben and Raechel!)

3. Trips to Chuck E. Cheese with Allie

4. Reuben Councill's Awesome Ability to make the best coffee ever!

5. Yankee Candles!

Wacky Tag Wednesday

Okay, so, I know that I did this tag last week before I left school on Spring Break! Iknow that I did and now I have no idea why it never posted...but hey, I like doing these things so I do not mind doing it again.....

The Top 5 Things I Must Have in my Refrigerator:
1. Half and Half
2. Milk
3. Water
4. Juice
5. Soda

The Top 5 Things I Must Have in my Closet:
1. Jogging Suits
2. Capris
3. Turtle Necks
4. Anything Old Navy
5. Container of all the cards and letters I have received

The Top 5 Things I Must Have in my Purse:
1. Wallet
2. Keys
3. Inhaler
4. Pen
5. Cell Phone

The Top 5 Things I Must Have in my Car:
1. Decent music
2. Sunglasses
3. Cell Phone
4. Chapstick
5. Gas!

The Top 5 Things I Would Have on TiVo:
1. Gray's Anatomy
2. Deal or No Deal
3. House
4. Without a Trace
5. American Idol

Tell All Tuesday

Well, I guess that the one thing that I will tell today is that I have become the biggest procrastinator ever.
When I was an undergraduate, I NEVER procrastinated. EVER!!!
I was always the one that got the assignment and immediately went and completed the assignment...a.k.a....NERD!
Yes, I guess that is exactly what you could call me.
Well, since I have been in graduate school I have been nothing but a procrastinator...and here it is...about 9 days until my symposium to present my final research project and I have not even completed it much less put together a presentation. Yikes. Also, my spring break is about to be over...and I did not open the project up to even think of completing it.
I know that it will get finished....I know that I will get the paper and the presentation completed...I just don't like the fact that I have become a major procrastinator...what to do????

Mad Music Monday-2 weeks ago

I think that it is very important for everyone to be themselves at all times. It really frustrates me when individuals act a certain way because of the company they are in or because they want to impress others. A song that I truly love and could hear it over and over is True Colors. It has been recorded by Cyndi Lauper and also Phil Collins. As a teacher, one of the many things that I teach my students is to always be yourself...don't say or do something that is out of character for yourself...always be for my mad music catch up day I want to use "True Colors".

You with the sad eyes
don't be discouraged oh I realize
it's hard to take courage
in a world full of people
you can lose sight of it all
and the darkness inside you can make you fell so small
But I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors
true colors
are beautiful like a rainbow
Show me a smile
then don't be unhappy,
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
if this world makes you crazy
and you've taken all you can bear
you call me up because you know I'll be there
And I'll see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors and that's why I love you
so don't be afraid to let them show
your true colors
true colors are beautiful like a rainbow

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Favorite Friend Friday

Favorite Friend Friday: Jesus

"What a friend we have in Jesus"

Jesus is always there at the top of my doubt about it. He is always there for me to lift me up when I need it the most. He is always the one that lets me know that no matter what, things are going to be okay. He is always the one that seems to wrap his arms around me and comfort me when I need it the most. He is always the one that holds my hand and helps me through the tough times.

The last couple of months haven proven to be 2 of the toughest months I have experience thus far in my life. There have been days when I did not think that I was going to make it and Jesus has pulled me through those days. I have relied on Jesus as I have prayed and prayed. I could tell that He was always listening to me and helping me through any of the tough times that I was encountering. Jesus knows I knew that He knew what I was going through and He knew the pain I was feeling. Jesus knew that I needed Him more than ever and I could feel His presence more than ever.

I am so grateful to have a friend in Jesus. He could have turned His back on me for the last couple of months and let me drown in my sorrow...but He did not. I love Jesus very much. I appreciate all that He has done for me.

Thank You Jesus for Everything! Thank You Jesus for being my Friend!

Things I Love...


  • Half-Day Fridays at school
  • Long Weekends
  • Knowing that Monday is a Teacher Work Day
  • Watching it snow...
  • Being able to fit in to clothes that I have not been able to fit in since I got married.
  • Getting ahead.
  • Skipping through the parking lot with Allie.
  • Uni-Ball Fine Point Colored Pens

Wacky Wednesday

When Lori first started blogging, she would share all the fun things that everyone was saying and doing. She would tell me that I needed to start blogging too. One of the cool things that I remember her telling me about that I knew I wanted to try when I started blogging was the "Sabrina needs" search on google. She shared some of the funny things that everyone had to say and I thought that it was so great. Finally, I think that I am going to get to do the "Sabrina Needs" and share what others seem to think that I need....HA!

Sabrina Needs....
1. Sabrina needs more friends.
Hmm...I'll buy that!
2. Sabrina needs her faith more than ever to make the right decision.
Wow, someone somewhere really knows what they are talking about. That is too ironic.
3. Sabrina needs a good home.
Well, I am grateful for the home that I do have, but we have been looking for a bigger place.
4. Sabrina needs a hat that big to prevent her chest from getting sunburnt.
Ha! That is too funny! Sorry, it would not take a big hat for that.
5. Sabrina needs someone to embrace her activity level and provide outlets for her to work off this excess energy.
WHAT??? HA!!!!!!!
6. Sabrina needs a spine.
Is this a nice way for someone to tell me that I have no backbone? Thanks!
7. Sabrina needs to enroll in higher education as soon as possible.
Ha, ha, not funny! If you just read my Tuesday post, this is not funny.
8. Sabrina needs money for a class ring.
Hmm...I don't think so.
9. Sabrina needs to learn the family secret or face the "dire" consequences.
Ha! The family secret....when I find this out, it will be posted on Tell All Tuesday.
10. Sabrina needs one on one attention from patient, loving parental figures who are strong, tenacious child advocates capable of recognizing, understanding, and handling her special needs.
Any takers?
11. Sabrina needs big help with her science project.
HA! LO if you are reading this, how funny is this!!!!!
12. Sabrina needs to find Salem and return her hat.
I don't care who you are..that is not funny.
13. Sabrina needs a little lesson in true love.
14. Sabrina needs to bring more life to her pictures.
This is funny...someone out there knows that I was not born with artistic abilities.
15. Sabrina needs a beard.
I don't care who you are...this is funny! Imagine that...hahahaha!
16. Sabrina needs this journey so that she can find her own peace in life again.
17. Sabrina needs to come home now!
Wonder where I've been?
18. Sabrina needs to have an operation today.
Could this possibly be an operation to mend my broken heart?
19. Sabrina "needs 3kg of fresh red meat per day and a lot of exercise.
Okay, not sure about 3kg of "fresh red meat" but I could sure use the exercise.
20. Sabrina needs to put down the Kool Aid and get her facts straight!!!
Ha! First of all, I do have my facts straight. Secondly, don't ever tell me to put my Kool-Aid down...ha. Just kidding.

HA! So there we have it. Sabrina needs lots of different things. That was so much fun. It was hilarious. It is funny to read these and imagine what in the world they are talking about. From the way mine sounded, I think that "Sabrina" was a child, a dog, a witch, and someone in need of finding herself (especially if she needs a beard!).
We need to come up with something else next...
Sabrina likes....
Sabrina wants....
Sabrina is....

Tell All Tuesday

Truth Be Known: I am tired of school.

Okay, so, let me be more specific. I am not tired of "school" in the sense of my job...I am tired of going to school and being the student! AAAAHHHH!!!!!
It was Spring 2003...I brought up the idea to my 5th grade team (Lori, Jodi, and Liz) that I was thinking about going back to school to get my master's degree. My husband had been telling me over and over that I should go back and get oldest sister had just completed hers...and I wanted my pay check to be more than it was. I was REALLY hoping that I would have some takers in my team to join me. I was REALLY hoping that Lori would join me..sorry Lo, I was hoping! I was surprised when Jodi came to school some days later and said that she would like to go back and get her's with me. I was soooo excited. So, that summer we went and took the GRE...(YUCK!). Fall 2003, we started back to school.
I must tell you that in all reality, the last 3 years have flown by in some aspects. But, in other aspects, it has gone so slowly! Jodi and I have stuck together through it all. We took the same classes, we rode to Asheville classes together, we vented to one another, we helped one another, and we have just about made it.
We are in our very last class right now. We have met for this class, oh, about 3 times. I have a class tomorrow night and then 2 classes at the end of April. The 2 classes at the end of April are in Asheville and we will presenting our final projects. I am scheduled to graduate in May.
Needless to say, I am tired. I am tired of reading. I am tired of writing. I am tired of homework. I am tired of leaving my family to go to class. I am tired of missing out on things at home because I am in class. I am tired of taking away from my family time so that I can do homework. I am tired of being stressed out over assignments. I AM TIRED OF SCHOOL.
I look back over the last 3 years and think, wow, did I really do this? Is it really almost over? I am so glad that it is! I have said this many times before...but...if I had it to do all over, I am really not sure that I would do it. Maybe when I get my first pay check with the increased amount I will have a change of heart....but until then, I must say that it took a lot of time and money for me to go back to school and I am not sure that it was worth it.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Mad Music Monday

After looking at all the number one songs that were on the charts the year that Allie was born, this song has stuck in my mind since then. I loved this song when it first came out. It is such a beautiful song. I totally dedicate this song to my wonderful daughter Allie...

"I Hope You Dance" by Lee Ann Womack

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder,
You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger,
May you never take one single breath for granted,
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed,
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance..........
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,
Never settle for the path of least resistance,
Livin' like me, takin' chances, but they're worth takin',
Lovin' might be a mistake, but it's worth makin',
Don't let some Hell bent heart leave you bitter,
If you come close to sellin' out reconsider,
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
I hope you dance....I hope you dance.
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,
Tell me who wants to look back on their yearsand wonder where those years have gone.)
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.
Dance....I hope you dance.I hope you dance....
I hope you dance.I hope you dance....I hope you dance..
(Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along,
Tell me who wants to look back on their yearsand wonder where those years have gone.)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Top Movies in 1995

Okay so Lori's tag of Top Songs the year that we graduated high school really took me back to the day. It also inspired me to think beyond songs and look at movies as well. Check out these movies that were "top movies" the year I graduated high school: 1995.

  • Toy Story - ranked #1 for that year...and I love that movie!
  • Apollo 13
  • Jumanji
  • While You Were Sleeping
  • Grumpier Old Men
  • Bridges of Madison County
  • Nine Months
  • Bad Boys
  • Sabrina (HA!!!!)
  • Something to Talk About (one of my all time favs!)
  • A Walk in the Clouds
  • Now and Then
  • Billy Madison

So, there you have it. Some of my favs from the top list of 1995. What a great year! Now, I tag anyone reading this to do the same with the year that you graduated! Have fun! It is nice to go back to the day.

1995 Was a Great Year... is funny how you can read the names of all these songs and it take you back to that remember who or what the song reminds you of...where you were when you heard the is amazing how songs play such a big part in the things that you This was a wonderful flashback to 1995!
Some of the songs that I enjoyed that year that made the top 100 are...
  • What Mattered Most - Ty Herndon
  • Not A Moment Too Soon - Tim McGraw
  • Texas Tornado - Tracy Lawrence
  • This Woman and This Man - Clay Walker
  • Dust On the Bottle - David Lee Murphy
  • Waterfall - TLC
  • Fantasy - Mariah Carey
  • Run Around - Blues Traveler
  • I Can Love You Like That - All 4 One
  • Always - Bon Jovi
  • Boombastic/In the Summertime - Shaggy
  • Hold My Hand - Hootie and the Blowfish
  • Here Comes the Hotstepper - Ini Kamoze
  • Let Her Cry - Hootie and the Blowfish
  • Strong Enough - Sheryl Crow
  • Only Want to Be with You - Hootie and the Blowfish
  • In the House of Stone and Light - Martin Page
  • Believe - Elton John (I LOVE YOU ELTON!!!!)
  • Tootsee Roll - 69 Boyz (sorry, maybe it was the beat of the song...???)
  • Come and Get Your Love - Real McCoy
  • The Sweetest Days - Vanessa Williams (this was one of the songs that played during our senior!)
  • No More "I love you's" - Annie Lennox
  • I Live My Life For You - Firehouse
  • Cotton Eye Joe - Rednex
  • I'll Stand by You - Pretenders
  • Misery - Soul Asylum
  • Good Intentions - Toad the Wet Sprocket
  • I'll Be There For You - The Rembrandts (Yay! FRIENDS theme song!)

Thanks for the tag Lo! Hey, this has really given me another idea. We did top 100 songs of our graduation year...wonder what the best movies were that year as well???


Okay, so, I have been a complete BLOG SLACKER...well, I guess that you could say that I have been a DOUBLE BLOG SLACKER because not only have I neglected my blog but I have also neglected Allie's blog! AAHHH!!
It has all been for good reason with a good excuse, but I reassure you that I am back and ready to blog!
I have spent a long time on this tiring Friday night catching up on everyone's blogs for the last couple of weeks...lots of fun!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Mad Music Monday

You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
And I will sing again
You are so good to me
You heal my broken heart
You are my Father in Heaven
You are so good to me
You heal my broken heart
You are my Father in Heaven
You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
You are beautiful my sweet, sweet song
You ride upon the clouds
You lead me to the Truth
You are the Spirit inside me
You ride upon the clouds
You lead me to the Truth
You are the Spirit inside me
You are my strong melody, yeah
You are my dancing rhythm
You are my perfect rhyme
And I will sing of You forever
You poured out all Your blood
You died upon the cross
You are my Jesus who loves me
You poured out all Your blood
You died upon the cross
You are my Jesus who loves me
You are my Father in Heaven
You are the Spirit inside me
You are my Jesus who loves me

This is most definitely my Mad Music Monday song of the day. This is my all time favorite Contemporary Christian Song! I was introduced to this song by the band that plays at my church. I immediately fell in love with the song! When I finally got it on CD, I practically wore the CD out listening to it over and over. My daughter, Allie, loves this song to. There just seems to be so much emotion that this song sparks within me each and every time that I hear it, even if it is the 15th time (in a row) that I have listened to it. It is an amazing song and I love it! The words of the song make PERFECT sense! Love it!!!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Favorite Friend Friday

My favorite friend for the week: Melanie

Melanie Long Coffey is my favorite friend for this week. Melanie and I got to know one another when we were in high school. Melanie was one year ahead of me in school, but that never mattered. I can not remember exactly how Melanie and I met or even became such good friends…(Mel if you can remember..will you please refresh my memory). I just remember that we became best friends in no time at all. Melanie was just like a sister to me. It got to where we were always hanging out. Melanie was driving a few months before me so she was always coming to the other side of the county to pick me up so that we could all hang out. Melanie was always there when I needed a good friend too. She had a sense of humor that always made me laugh. I will never forget all of the good times that we had. We did many things in our time that we look back on now and wonder what we were thinking and why we did what we did…dangerous stuff indeed! We kept the roads hot between Murphy, Hayesville, Hiawassee, and sometimes Blairsville. At any rate, we were always there for one another and I always cherished her friendship.
Again, not sure what happened, but we ended up not being friends for a long time. I was sad, very sad. Quite a bit of time went by before we became friends again. I was glad that we were friends again, but I felt that we would never be the same. We never did get as close as we were before the big blow up…and that always made me sad. What made me even sadder was to know that while we weren’t friends, we both went through some very hard times where we should have been there for one another. I wish that I could go back and re-do whatever it is that we did to break up our friendship during that period of time. (Mel..if you are reading this and you remember what happened to hurt our friendship, will you please help me remember…)
Sometime back in 2001, I joined so that I could re-connect with many old classmates. I was very excited when I saw that Melanie had subscribed too. Well, as a member I was able to send messages to others to try and get in touch with them. I sent Melanie a message and she replied. I was soooo excited. We kept in touch via email on a daily basis. When Kevin and I got married, I sent her an invitation. I knew that she was expecting and may not be able to come all the way to Sylva, but I thought that I would try. I was ecstatic when I saw her at the wedding. This was the first time that I had actually seen her in years! I wanted to put everything else on hold and just stand there and talk with her for a while. Well, she had to leave pretty soon after the wedding was over so I was not able to even chit chat with her. After the wedding, we lost touch. I tried to email her but I could not get in touch with her because the emails kept coming back to me telling me that there had been an error in message delivery. I was devastated. I wanted so badly to be back in touch with her! Well, I kept trying and trying and could not get a hold of her. Finally, devastated, I gave up. I knew that she had probably had her little girl and was very busy anyhow.
This past Christmas I was going through some old cards and addresses when lo and behold that I came across her mailing address! I immediately sent her a Christmas card and put my contact information inside the hopes that she would get the card and get in touch with me. Well, in no time at all, I got an email from Melanie. I was so flippin’ happy! We emailed one another and got back in touch in no time at all. It is just like we never lost touch! Although, I am sad to say that I have not yet met her 3-year-old daughter, Sydney. Melanie is an incredible friend that I love dearly. We share so many wonderful memories that I will always carry with me no matter where I go. I feel that we have lost contact too many times…and I want to make sure that it does not happen again. I feel that God keeps putting us back together for a reason…even if the reason is just so that we have one another’s awesome friendship.
Melanie…thank you so much for your awesome friendship! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to get back in touch with me.