Thursday, April 12, 2007

Things I Love Thursday - April 12th

1. SPRING BREAK - Okay, yeah, and I know that you are probably saying to youself...well, who doesn't? But I must say that this Spring break that I am right smack dab in the middle of was well needed and it is being quite kind to me!
2. Aerobics - Yes, I said it...aerobics. I went to my aerobics class last night and I just want to say that it is very exhausting and it really makes me hurt, but it is a good that an oxymoron or what? LOL. At any rate, it is a fun and motivating way to keep in shape!
3. Random acts of kindness from Allie - She has this thing where she just randomly comes up to me and gives me a hug and tells me that she loves is so stinkin' sweet. I love that gal. She is all the time writing me little notes saying "I love you mommy. Love, Allie". I have to keep each and every I always just add them to my stash under the bed. I usually keep one with me in my purse just to pull out from time to time so that I can be reminded just how much I am loved and needed by that little girl.
4. Blogging - Can I just say that it is so relaxing to be able to sit here and blog with my buddies..I like being able to express myself while also hearing what everyone else has to say too!
5. McDonald's Vanilla Ice Cream - LOL, yeah, it is the absolute I think! Yummy....I am weak for ice cream anyway, much less McDonalds vanilla!

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